UofO Acrobat and Tumbling - Tumbling Round 4-2-13
Event 5 – Tumbling (possible 60 points)
技術回合 5–騰翻 (Tumbling)
The tumbling event consists of 6 heats, each of which are worth a possible 10 points.
Heat 1: Double – Two athletes perform a synchronized identical pass.
回合 1:雙人回合(Double):兩名實施人員同步實施相同騰翻動作。
Heat 2: Triple – Three athletes perform a synchronized identical pass.
回合 2:三人回合(Triple):三名實施人員同步實施相同騰翻動作。
Heat 3: Quad – Four athletes perform a synchronized identical pass.
回合 3:四人回合(Quad):四名實施人員同步實施相同騰翻動作。
Heat 4: Single Ariel Pass – Must have one flip besides the final flip of the pass.
回合 4:連續空翻回合:須在結束空翻動作結束前實施一項空翻動作。
Heat 5: Six Element Single Pass – Must have six skills including the final skill.
回合 5:六項技術騰翻回合:含結束動作在內,於單趟騰翻中實施六項騰翻技術動作。
Heat 6: Open Single Pass – No requirements
回合 6:自選動作回合:無特殊規範